Card Issuing API Quickstart Guide

Creating a cardholder

The Cardholder represents individuals or entities that can be issued cards. All cards must be associated to a cardholder. A single cardholder can have multiple cards, but a card cannot be assigned to more than one cardholder.

Use the Create Cardholder endpoint to get started.


For issuers in Canada, date of birth and phone are mandatory fields for KYC. U.S. programs will need to complete SIN for KYC verifications.


For physical card programs, the shipping_method and shipping_address fields will be used for shipment details. If these are not specified, the cardholder address will be used.


Once a card has been created, it will need to be activated before a Cardholder is able to use it for transactions.

Activating a Card

All virtual or physical cards must be active before they can be used for transactions.

Physical Cards

Physical cards can be activated using the Activate Card endpoint. Using one of:

  • PAN and Expiry Date
  • the Account ID and the Last four digits

To find details on the required fields, use the Get Cardholder Details endpoint for more information.

Virtual Cards

Virtual cards are activated using the Modify Account Status endpoint. Similar to Physical cards, the card’s Last four digits are required to activate a card. Use the Get Cardholder Details to find these details.

printf '{
	"status": "mark_card_active",
	"last_four_digits": "4111"
}'| http  --follow --timeout 3600 POST {{domain}}/api/v1/card_issuing/accounts/1 \
 Content-Type:'application/json' \


Related pages:

API Flows
Cardholder Creation Validation
Card Issuing Certification and Onboarding