Send an e-transfer with Berkeley API's

Send a real-time funds disbursement to your customers and business partners.

Step 1: Create Account Holder if one doesn't exist.

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/account_holders

  "type": "individual",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith"

Step 2: Tokenize Customer information

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/tokens or {{teller_domain}}/api/v2/tokens

namestringyesname of the person or business max 60 characters
emailstringconditionalemail of the person or businessrequired for e-transfer email notifications
phone_numberstringconditionalphone number of person or business 10 digits in length do not include dashes or spaces includes area code and phone number required for e-transfer sms notifications

If notification choice is email, the payload for tokenization looks as follows:

  "etransfer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "email": "[email protected]"

If notification choice is SMS, the payload for tokenization looks as follows:

  "etransfer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "phone_number": "1234567890"

Step 3: Create Financial Account with created token for Account Holder

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/account_holders/:id/financial_accounts

  "token": "ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D"

Step 4: Create transaction with created Financial Account

Push Transaction

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/transactions/push

amountnumberyesin cents the amount you wish to send
currencystringyescurrency of the transaction
productstringyesproduct of the transaction
financial_accountstringyesfinancial account to which you wish to send money
security_questionstringyesquestion to answer for e-transfer payment
security_question_answerstringyesanswer to the security_question provided must be between 3 - 25 characters with no spaces
  "amount": 2000, 
  "currency": "CAD",
  "product": "disbursements",
  "financial_account": "etransfer_136_ettk_BG-HbLvFocbzF8O33EF4E37151688FD9D",
  "security_question": "Mother's maiden name"
  "security_question_answer": "Doe"